Saturday, 26 November 2011


I have seen in the Kenilworth newspaper that they would like people to send in photographs of Kenilworth for the new civic building. I had a look through my laptop and have found the following photos.
I need some help in deciding which files to send to the paper, so please let me know your comments asap.


After uploading these I can see that I have far too many snow scenes. Ideally I would love to get the number of photos I submit down to about 10, so comments are more than welcome.

Thursday, 24 November 2011


A few weekends ago I went to see my first kayaking decent race in Stratford Upon Avon. This descent race was 10 miles long over 6 weirs, in wobbly boats              ( ). There were a variety of boats taking part in this race, race boats and also plastic boats. Tom managed to finish the race after falling in 5 times and sinking his boat.

Here are some photos from the event
I was amazed the K2 managed to stay upright

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Kodak Retinette

I have just picked up a set of prints from my Kodak Retinette.

This time I had better results than a few months back. I learnt from my previous results:
       This camera does not like to do close-up shots.
       That film is expensive and I have to think about a shot before snapping anything.

I still have things to learn though:
       This camera/film likes contrasting colours to create sharp(ish) photos.
       It is difficult to line things up.
       That  faces in most shots won't be as clear as I hope.

Here are my favourite shots from the film...

(Ok, yes I have messed with the contrast of these after scanning them in and yes, they are all from Paris)