I have finally given in after a couple of months and am going to get my smaller lens repaired, I really miss having autofocus. It is so frustrating to take photos, only to look at them on my laptop to find most are out of focus, due to the millimeters that I turned the lens.
I have also put more 35mm film into my old school camera, hoping for slightly better results this time round - camera is no good at all with close-ups! With going back to film, I once again find myself carefully thinking about what photos I want to take - only have 24 chances to get a good photo! With using film, you have to way up the price of film and the cost of processing it! Anyone know of anyone with a dark room?!
With using film, I keep thinking back to the camera that I once spotted in Urban Outfitters, a little like this:
And I am now considering getting a cheap one, just to see the effects it could create or putting an out of date film into a 35mm camera.
I have recently been on holiday to Austria and decided to create a photo book with the better (I hope) photos that I have taken, I opted for a small book with a soft cover, to keep the prices down. Also had a £10 money off voucher, so I thought I might as well use it.